Manual Lymph Drainage Ireland ltd has maintained a current Register of Qualified Therapists since 2000. This register is used as reference by Health Insurance Companies, the Irish Cancer Society, National Cancer Control Program (NCCP), HSE , Doctors and Consultants.
Our standards for membership are endorsing internationally recommended training standards for the treatment and management of Lymphoedema (NALEA, ILF).
Manual Lymph Drainage Ireland ltd believes that to maintain a high standard of MLD, applications for membership are only considered from therapists who:
- have undertaken, or are undertaking training through the Vodder and Foeldi methods.
- demonstrate their Continuous Professional Development ( CPD) by attending training relevant to their specific theoretical and practical knowledge in the lymphatic system and Manual Lymph Drainage ( e.g.Review on a biannual basis )
- hold a valid insurance certificate to practice MLD and CDT.
Each Applicant must provide documentary proof of all of the above requirements.
MLD Ireland has 4 Membership categories :
Full Member – A person holding current full qualifications in methods approved by the above mentioned schools.
Associate Member – A person holding current intermediate qualifications in methods approved by the above mentioned schools.
Aesthetician Member – A person holding a Vodder qualification in the treatment of the neck and face.
Honorary Member – Someone who has made an exceptional contribution to MLD.
Note: Therapists in Ireland that are listed on the Associations site have been validated by the Association as being qualified to practice at their rated level.
e.g. Full Membership listing indicates the ability to practice and treat people with lymphoedema
e.g. Associate Membership listing indicates the ability to treat people who have a healthy, uninterrupted lymphatic system, not people with compromised systems.
Current member of MLD Ireland ? Please use the portal on your left to access the members area.
New Member? If you would like to apply for membership of MLD Ireland or would like further information please contact us